“Lesbians in Therapy,” RT: A Journal of Radical Therapy, 4(8), November 1975, p. 22-24.
“Women’s Issues,” Social Work, 22(6), November 1977, 502-503 (with Cleo Berkun, Gail Splaver, Shelly Brauer, and Louise Pietrafesa)
Therefore Choose Life: A Study of Female Suicide Attempters, unpublished doctoral dissertation, University of California, Berkeley, School of Social Welfare, 1983
“Counseling for Gay and Lesbian Couples,” Practice Digest 7(1), 1984, pp.13-16
“Identifying Potential Suicides Among High-Risk Women,” Social Work, 30(6), November/December 1985, 511-517.
Review of David Lester, Suicide as Learned Behavior and Larry Morton Gernsbacher, The Suicide Syndrome: Origins, Manifestations, and Alleviation of Human Self-Destructiveness, Social Work, 33(6), November/December 1988, 561-562.
“The Person-In-Environment (PIE) System for Describing Problems of Social Functioning,” Hospital and Community Psychiatry, 40(11), November 1989, 1125-1127 (with Janet B.W. Williams and James M. Karls)
Review of Israel Orbach, Children Who Don’t Want to Live, Social Work in Education, 12(4), July 1990, 284-285.
“PIE: A New Language for Social Work,” Social Work, 37(1), January 1992, 80-85 (with James M. Karls).
“The Person-In-Environment System for Classifying Client Problems: A New Tool For More Effective Case Management,” Journal of Case Management, 1(3), Fall 1992, 90-95 (with James Karls)
Person-In-Environment (PIE) System: The PIE Classification System for Social Functioning Problems. Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1994 (with James M. Karls).
PIE Manual: Person-in-Environment System: The PIE Classification System for Social Functioning Problems. Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1994 (with James M. Karls)
“PIE (Person-in-Environment),” In Richard Edwards (ed.), Encyclopedia of Social Work, 19th Edition, Washington, DC: NASW Press, 1995, 1818-1827 (with James Karls).
“PIE (Person-in-Environment)”, New Technologies in Human Services, 9(3), 1996, 28-34 (with James Karls).
(2015, March 30). “Whole Lot of Driving Goin’ On: Poly and Kinky in Rural America”. [Guest blog post]. Retrieved from
“‘Sleeping with the Enemy:’ Non-Monogamy and 1970s Lesbian Feminists,” Sexualities, 2018. DOI: 10.1177/1363460717750074.
(2019, February 22). “Bullied in a Department of Defense School”. [Guest blog post]. Retried from
“An Unintended Consequence of Online Directories for People Seeking Sex-Positive Psychotherapists,” Journal of Positive Sexuality, 5(2), 2019, 59-65.
“The Person-in-Environment System for Describing the Problems Adult Clients Bring to Social Workers,” 1983-1996. Presentations in California and nationally.
“Stepping Up: So You want to be an Executive Director,” The Volunteer Center, Santa Rosa, CA, 2000
“Is This Worth My Time?” The Volunteer Center, Santa Rosa, CA 2000
“Worker-Friendly Workplaces,” Leadership Mendocino, Ukiah, CA, 2000
“Marijuana Abuse Prevention in the Emerald Triangle,” California Alcohol and Other Drugs Program Training Conference, Sacramento, October 2010
“Marijuana Abuse Prevention in the Emerald Triangle,” The Dean Edell Show, December 7, 2010.
“Assessing and Managing Suicide Risk: Core Competencies for Behavioral Health Professionals,” Social Advocates for Youth, Santa Rosa, CA and Mendocino County Youth Project, Ukiah, CA, 2014
“Open Relationships: What Every Psychotherapist Needs to Know,” California Society of Clinical Social Workers, Sonoma/Napa Chapter, Santa Rosa, CA 2014.
“The Person-in-Environment System for Describing the Problems Adult Clients Bring to Social Workers,” California Society of Clinical Social Workers, Santa Rosa, CA, 2014.
“Polyamory, Lesbianism, and Sexual Fluidity: Some Preliminary Questions,” 2nd Academic Polyamory Conference, Berkeley, California, February 2015
“Polyamory, Lesbianism and Sexual Fluidity,” 1st International Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies Conference, Lisbon, Portugal, September 2015
“Open Relationships,” Alliant University, San Francisco (MFT class), 2015
“Polyamory, Lesbianism, and Sexual Fluidity”, 3rd Academic Polyamory Conference, Berkeley, California, February 2016
“‘Sleeping with the Enemy:'” Consensual Non-Monogamy and 1970’s American Lesbian Feminists,” CARAS Alternative Sexualities Conference, May, 2017, Chicago
“‘Sleeping with the Enemy:'” Consensual Non-Monogamy and 1970’s American Lesbian Feminists,” 2nd International Non-Monogamies and Contemporary Intimacies Conference, Vienna, Austria, September 2017
“Conflict is Not Abuse,” Network for New Culture,” Upper Lake, CA, October 2017
“Gradients of Agreement,” Network for New Culture, Upper Lake, CA October 2017
“Working with Clients in Open Relationships,” Redwood Empire Association of Marriage and Family Therapists, October 2017